Global News and Digital
Insights for the Food and Grocery Industry

Grocers need to focus on sustainability to transform the food ecosystem

UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP26) made it clear that individuals and businesses need to prioritise sustainability to save the planet. Grocers need to take it seriously, as food systems account for 34% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A recent survey, including European and North American grocers, revealed that 2/3 of grocery businesses have quantified their baseline efforts and defined concrete actions to march towards sustainability efforts, and 50% have defined definite targets. 1, Initially, grocers need to focus more on these prevalent themes: health, environment, economy, animal welfare, and livelihoods. 2, Grocers will ultimately achieve the goal of creating value by focusing on building a sustainable environment. 3, A holistic approach is needed to achieve ESG goals with a suitable operating model. This also includes leveraging data collection software and uniform reporting across the value chain.

To read more, please visit Mercatus

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