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Coles rolls out plastic bags made from recycled plastic and marine waste

Coles has launched plastic bags, made from 20% of marine waste mainly from Malaysia and 80% of recycled plastic waste, to grow its sustainability efforts across its stores in Australia. Thinus Keevé, the chief sustainability, property and export officer at Coles, detailed that these bags are practical, offer convenience to consumers and protect the planet and marine life altogether. Shoppers can use these Marine Reusable Shopping Bags multiple times. Once over-used, they can return these bags at the Redcycle drop-off points in Coles’ outlets. The retailer also sells reusable mesh bags. Coles is taking these measures to support Clean Up Australia’s Buy Recycled programme and donate 10% from the sale of every Marine Reusable Shopping Bag.

To read more, visit InsideRetail

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