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7-Eleven signs a partnership deal with food delivery firm Waitr

7-Eleven, the prominent American retail chain, has teamed up with Waitr, a food delivery platform, to deliver from over 700 7-Eleven locations. This partnership deal helps the giant retailer tap platforms of Waitr, including Bite Squad and Delivery Dudes platforms, to grow its delivery network. Customers love this new alliance and can order groceries and food delivered to their houses and office premises. 7-Eleven SVP and Chief Digital Officer Raghu Mahadevan revealed that shoppers across the nation can now enjoy best-selling products like ice-cold Slurpee drinks, hot pizza or ice cream. These moves show that retailers are not afraid to try creative ways to reach shoppers. 7-Eleven launched a new tech format store in Dallas-Fort to let customers play with the latest tech disruptions.

Full story: ProgressiveGrocer 

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