Global News and Digital
Insights for the Food and Grocery Industry

February 9, 2021

Amazon’s goal is to launch 2000 grocery stores in the US with Jeff Bezos staying at the helm

Amazon is a hugely diversified business that sells general merchandise, pharmacy, music and video, software services etc. Grocery is an area Amazon has now set its sights on. In the US, $680B grocery industry is the next frontier for Amazon. While Jeff might be relinquishing the role of CEO, big bets such as grocery remain his strategic focus. Watch out as Amazon opens 2000 grocery stores that include 750 from Whole Foods and rest Amazon Fresh.

Amazon’s goal is to launch 2000 grocery stores in the US with Jeff Bezos staying at the helm

Amazon is a hugely diversified business that sells general merchandise, pharmacy, music and video, software services etc. Grocery is an area Amazon has now set its sights on. In the US, $680B grocery industry is the next frontier for Amazon. While Jeff might be relinquishing the role of CEO, big bets such as grocery remain his strategic focus. Watch out as Amazon opens 2000 grocery stores that include 750 from Whole Foods and rest Amazon Fresh.