Global News and Digital
Insights for the Food and Grocery Industry

February 8, 2021

Top five trends in 2020 that will reshape grocery retail in Poland for this decade

According to Statista, grocery market is worth over $80B in Poland. In 2020, the pandemic  completely shifted the paradigm in food retailing. Top 5 biggest trends included: 1) Increased market share of online grocery and click & collect, 2) Shift in format mix with rise in convenience, discount and petrol station stores, 3) Shopping more locally, less often and in bulk quantities, 4) Jump in at-home cooking and use of food delivery apps, 5) Eco-focus with more plant based diets, green energy and less plastic.

Top five trends in 2020 that will reshape grocery retail in Poland for this decade

According to Statista, grocery market is worth over $80B in Poland. In 2020, the pandemic  completely shifted the paradigm in food retailing. Top 5 biggest trends included: 1) Increased market share of online grocery and click & collect, 2) Shift in format mix with rise in convenience, discount and petrol station stores, 3) Shopping more locally, less often and in bulk quantities, 4) Jump in at-home cooking and use of food delivery apps, 5) Eco-focus with more plant based diets, green energy and less plastic.