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Insights for the Food and Grocery Industry

Instacart introduces “Ask Instacart” AI-powered search tool for enhanced shopping experience

Instacart is revolutionising the search experience with its latest tool, “Ask Instacart,” which leverages artificial intelligence to provide personalised answers and recommendations to shopper queries. By combining OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Instacart’s own AI models and data, the search tool offers information and suggestions based on a vast range of shoppable items across various retail partner locations. Users can access the tool through the search bar in the Instacart app, benefiting from personalised question prompts that anticipate preferences and offer recommendations based on shopping history. Ask Instacart covers all aspects of food and beverage shopping, including budgeting, dietary specifications, cooking skills, and more. Furthermore, Instacart is working responsibly with AI by incorporating supplier partner campaigns into search results. With these advancements, Instacart aims to deliver an inspiring and engaging online shopping experience for customers.

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